Monday, 22 October 2018

Chaste For Mistress - The Latest Testimonial

Courtesy and the will to powerlessness always gets the sub somewhere, in One's world anyway. This chastity subbie was a fabulous new project that I will be taking to further lengths with all the dominant pleasure that I will afford him. Read on as to how appreciated I was knowing that I will be again in the not to far off future.

'Dear Mistress,
I am still breathless from our encounter last week - you contributed so much more than I ever expected. The fact that you were wicked, funny, intelligent and beautiful made it all the more amazing.
I learnt many things about myself - more practice needed (!), my attraction to feet and beautiful bottoms, and how I can learn to trust and submit ( more practice needed!)
Your intuition was wonderful, and your patience with this nervous subbie even more so.
And, thank you for sharing with me - I feel privileged.
And, what a feeling when the click of the lock sounded in the room....

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